Knowles' A GIFT OF MADNESS is a fully-staged one-woman play available for small and medium-sized theaters. As a site-specific show, it is adaptable to many other settings, from homes to cafés to galleries to non-traditional venues.
Committed to outreach around the themes of loss/survival, trauma and the transformative power of art, Knowles draws on many decades as performer, multi-talented artist, teacher and trauma survivor to offer her wisdom and whimsy in post show talk-backs as well as many outreach programs.
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River Street Theatre | Jaffrey, NH | April 28—30 2017
Inside the Box at the 125 | New York, NY | February 22, 2017
Hatbox Theatre (world debut)| Concord, NH | November 18—20, 2016
Forum: Art and Trauma
open to the public
A presentation by a panel of experts (artists of all stripes, teachers, counselors, psychologists) and survivors, followed by a moderated discussion between audience and panel members.
Reading: A Gift of Madness
unstaged performance
An intimate reading of Knowles’ solo play A Gift of Madness at your home or informal setting, followed by a discussion of related themes (art as therapy; family myths, truths, and secrets; old age; loss; masks, trauma, stigma...)
Workshop: No Place to Hide
for schools and community organizations (arts, veterans’, mental health, leadership)
limited to eight participants
Knowles draws on her years of experience as a performer, poet, and voice and drama teacher to create a hands-on workshop using voice (spoken and sung), drama, poetry, and body awareness for anyone wanting to find their own voice (literally and figuratively) by transforming their personal and family stories and myths.
Lecture/Demo: Art Out of Memoir
for schools and community organizations (arts, veterans’, women's, mental health, leadership, etc)
open to the public
Knowles discusses the transformative act of writing and performing her play, and the role art, love and laughter have played for her family in healing the wounds of tragedy and trauma.
Performance Masterclass
for high schools, universities, or other arts organizations
Students perform poetry, song, drama, or stories for Knowles’ coaching. Public is invited not only as audience, but also to contribute comments.
Residency: Go MAD for a Week!
for high schools, universities, or other arts organizations
2—5 days working with students in any combination of the above offerings, culminating in a fully staged public performance of A Gift of Madness